Key Frames

Users Ignore Instructions? Animate them!

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You can imitate Movie makers and get users to read text by animating it. Somehow, the movement and action encourages users to read instructions. But, let’s just animate the instructions the first time they launch; thereafter, the users can just revisit the instructions when they need to. Benefit to you: your users actually read the instructions the first time, so they are less confused and like your app better.


The text doesn’t dance around, but it is displayed in sequence, as if being typed. I prefer to display whole words at a time, you can also add single letter at a time. In this sample, I will do the following actions in sequence:

  1. Animate my instruction string using a StringAnimationUsingKeyFrames
  2. Call attention to the instructions, one last time, by gently pulsing the background color
  3. Shrink-down the instructions
  4. Hide the instructions by closing the expander containing them
Screen Shot
4 Screen Shots Showing Each Animation Phase

The Animation Will only Run the First Time

The first time it runs, we will try hard to get the user to read the instructions. But the animation takes time, so let them use the expander if they need to read it again.

	if (AnimatedInstructions.Properties.Settings.Default.FirstTime) {
		AnimatedInstructions.Properties.Settings.Default.FirstTime = false;
	} else {
		expInstructions.Header = "Introduction/Instructions";
		expInstructions.IsExpanded = false;

We will use the .NET properties functionality to record whether this is the first time user has run the app. We update the users’ config file to write ‘false’ to an xml variable called ‘FirstTime’. The method ‘SetupInstructionAnimation’ does the animation, as I am sure you can tell by the name!

Why am I doing this animation in code? You’ll see shortly, but basically, animating the text in XAML requires creating a lot of  KeyFrames; it is easier to generate them inside a loop.

The Method ‘SetupInstructionAnimation’ Builds Three Animations

private void SetupInstructionAnimation() {
	Storyboard sb = new Storyboard();
	string instructions = "These instructions tell you exactly how to run my new app. " +
		"You will get maximum benefit from the app if you read the instructions. " +
		"Users who don't read the instructions sometimes fail to capitalize on important " +
		"features. Read and avoid frustration! ";
	StringAnimationUsingKeyFrames stringAni;
	int stringAnilMs;
	BuildInstructionStringAnimation(instructions, out stringAni, out stringAnilMs);
	tbInstructions.BeginAnimation(TextBlock.TextProperty, stringAni);

	//now, a color animation for the background that starts after the string animation completes.
	ColorAnimation bgColorAni = BuildBackgroundColorAnimation(stringAnilMs);


	DoubleAnimation shrinkAni = BuildShrinkInstructionAnimation(stringAnilMs);
	sb.Completed += new EventHandler(Introductory_Animation_StoryBoard_Completed);

	tbInstructions.Loaded += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {

The first method we invoke is called ‘BuildInstructionStringAnimation’, and does exactly what you would think. The other methods generate the other animations.

 The String Animation

We use a StringAnimationUsingKeyFrames to make it look like we are typing the words. To set it up, we specify a “Key Frame” for every step of the animation. In our case, we will create a Key Frame for each word. As I mentioned, you can also provide a frame for every letter, but that didn’t look as nice to me.

private static void BuildInstructionStringAnimation(string instructions, 
                    out StringAnimationUsingKeyFrames stringAni, out int ms) {
    stringAni = new StringAnimationUsingKeyFrames();
    ms = 0;
    KeyTime kyTime = new KeyTime();
    int interval = 150;
    int wordIndex = 0;
    wordIndex = instructions.IndexOf(' ');
    while (wordIndex > 0) {
        string aWord = instructions.Substring(0, wordIndex);
        kyTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(ms);
        if (aWord.EndsWith("?") || aWord.EndsWith(".")) {
            ms += 1250;
        } else {
            ms += interval;
        stringAni.KeyFrames.Add(new DiscreteStringKeyFrame(aWord, kyTime));

        wordIndex = instructions.IndexOf(' ', wordIndex + 1);
    stringAni.Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(ms);

Note that each word is displayed after a pause of 150 milliseconds, using the variable ‘ms’. Except, after the end of each sentence, we wait 1-1/4 seconds (1250 milliseconds) so the user can read the whole sentence. To find word boundaries in the instruction string, we search for spaces using the ‘IndexOf’ method. Then we use the Substring method to grab all of the instructions up to the current space and build a KeyFrame with it.

Note that we return ms to the caller, because we will use it for the BeginTime of the next animation.

The Remainder of the Code

The rest of the code is fairly standard if you have done any other animation.

private ColorAnimation BuildBackgroundColorAnimation(int ms) {
    ColorAnimation bgColorAni = new ColorAnimation();
    bgColorAni.BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(ms);

    bgColorAni.From = Colors.White;
    bgColorAni.To = Colors.LightYellow;
    bgColorAni.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
    bgColorAni.RepeatBehavior = new RepeatBehavior(2);

    Storyboard.SetTarget(bgColorAni, tbInstructions);
    Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(bgColorAni, new PropertyPath("Background.Color"));
    bgColorAni.AutoReverse = true;
    return bgColorAni;

private DoubleAnimation BuildShrinkInstructionAnimation(int stringAnilMs) {
    ScaleTransform scale = new ScaleTransform(1.0, 1.0);
    tbInstructions.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0, 0);
    tbInstructions.RenderTransform = scale;

    DoubleAnimation shrinkAni = new DoubleAnimation(1.0, 0.35, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), FillBehavior.Stop);
    shrinkAni.BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(stringAnilMs + 4000);
    Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(shrinkAni, new PropertyPath("RenderTransform.ScaleY"));
    Storyboard.SetTarget(shrinkAni, tbInstructions);
    return shrinkAni;

void Introductory_Animation_StoryBoard_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    expInstructions.IsExpanded = false;
    expInstructions.Header = "Show Introduction/Instructions";

And Finally, the XAML

<Expander Grid.Row="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" Name="expInstructions" IsExpanded="True" >
    <TextBlock FontSize="18" Name="tbInstructions" TextWrapping="Wrap" >
            <SolidColorBrush Color="White" />
        These instructions tell you exactly how to run my new app.
        You will get maximum benefit from the app if you read the instructions.
        Users who don't read the instructions sometimes fail to capitalize on important
        features. Read and avoid frustration!


Easy-to-learn applications are cheaper to maintain! They will generate fewer support calls from confused users. You can help your users learn to run your app by animating the instructions. Your boss and users will like you better for it!